Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Birthday....a day late

Yesterday was your birthday.   You should be 6 years old now.   I should have a 6 year old.   There was a snow/cold day from school for your birthday.   We had tacos for you to celebrate although it didn't feel like much of a celebration without you here.    I wonder if you would have still loved army men or if you would have asked for something else this time.   What kind of party would you have wanted?   Camo?  Army?  Ninja turtles?  Something new?    I hate not knowing what you would be into by this time...a lot changes in 10 months.   I hope you had the best birthday party ever in heaven.   

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Really missing you today.   Valentines day is 2 days away, your birthday is 6 days away.    I can't believe you are gone....sometimes it still seems like you will come back sometime.   It is hard to think that 20 or 30 years from now, you will still be gone.     I just can't get used to life without you.   Almost 10 months, a lifetime still seems impossible.   

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentine shopping

Finished getting ready for Thomas and Allison for school.  This is so incredibly unfair.   You should be here.  You should be signing up to take things to school.   You should be getting ready for your first school play.    I hate it without you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It is coming....

Your going to come without you just like everything else.    I hope you are planning one awesome party in heaven because the one down here isn't looking too happy :-(